Robbinsdale High School Class of 1966
To take advantage of this website you must create your classmate profile on this page. Click on the “Sign Up” button to get started.

NOTE: Once you have added your details, it may take up to 24 hours for the web organizer to authenticate your profile and send you your login info, so please be patient and do not create a second profile.

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Sign Up:
Click the “Sign Up" button to create your classmate profile and become a member of the site. While signing up, you may create a classmate profile, into which you may upload a recent photo of yourself and/or family add a "website comment" to your classmates, etc. You may also post a "Then" picture from your yearbook, add your personal information (which will not be shared), opt to allow your classmates to email you through this website, adjust all your other profile settings, add your social networking information, and so on. It is important to add as much info as possible so that the reunion organizer can keep you apprised of reunion activity and contact you if there are any changes in plans for upcoming events.

Make Purchases:
If tickets and merchandise are available at the time of sign up, you will be offered the opportunity to make purchases. You may do so, or you may just proceed and come back to make purchases later, if you wish to.

Wait For Approval
Once the website organizer has approved your updates, you will be sent a username and password to log in. In the meantime, feel free to browse around the site, purchase reunion tickets and merchandise, and participate in other available website activities.

NOTE: Once you have added your details, it may take up to 24 hours for the web organizer to authenticate your profile and send you your login info, so please be patient and do not create a second profile.

Return to the Site
After your initial visit, you may return to the website and use the "Login" button to enter your login information to login and then participate in other website activities, as well as to edit your profile and change your profile settings and preferences. If you have already been sent your login info and have lost it, you may use the link to have your login info sent to you. (Once you are logged in, you will see a “My Profile” button, as well as a “News Feed” button. Use the “My Profile” button to view and make changes to your profile. Use the “News Feed” button to keep up on the latest website activity.)

Update Your Profile:
Use the “Login” button to log in. Click the "My Profile" button. Then click the "Edit My Profile" button to edit your profile and change your settings and preferences.

When you are not logged in - find your profile on the classmates page, click on "View profile" and click on the link at the bottom your profile that says “If this is your profile, you can amend it.”

Missing Classmates
Use the “Missing Classmates” button to offer any information you might have on classmates that your reunion committee has not been able to locate.

Where are they now?
Use this link to see where your fellow alumni are living these days.

Page 4 of 15
View profile »Sheila Bruska (Erickson)
Buffalo, MN
New Hope, MN
Looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion!
View profile »Carolyn Campbell (Ertl)
mendota hts., MN
I have very fond memories of my time at RHS. We had many great teachers, wonderful classmates and a wide variety of activites. I wish I could return for this reunion, but travel plans for my 40th wedding anniversary were made before I learned about this … more »
Crystal, MN
Last night @ RHS was great. Good job

Paul passed away on December 13, 2019.
Minnetonka, MN
View profile »Nancy Gustafson (Fellger)
Bloomington, MN
Many of us married our high school sweethearts (Fred Gustafson RHS '67). I see many 40th anniversaries mentioned. Gustafson Public Relations continues at a comfortable pace. Daughter Britta, married for almost two years, works for a U.S. Senator in Washing… more »
St. Francis, MN
On the farm enjoying life.
Robbinsdale, MN
Well... In 1967 my buddy Paul and I set out for the Rockies with nothing but our backpacks and a bag lunch. No, really! Ok fast-forward:
College,Hippie,Navy,Hippie,Marriage, College,Photocopiers,Software,Daughter,National Guard,Hungary,Hungary,Hungary (als… more »
Mankato, MN
It's amazing to think of a profile today from life in the 60's. I left Robbinsdale in 66 and attended Mankato State College. Never left Mankato, started a commercial real estate business, had a great carreer and now retired. Married for 43 years, two boys … more »
Minnetonka, MN
Golden Valley, MN
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone on the 20th. This should be fun!!

Bill passed away from cancer on April 1, 2020.
Eden Prairie, MN
Zumbrota, MN
View profile »Patty Kanyetzny (Fodstad)
Hackensack, MN
View profile »Chelene Koenig (Folin)
Until my family moved to California for my senior year, I was one of those kids who changed schools often but I was in schools with many of you at RJHS, Hosterman, and RHS even tho I didn't grad with you.

Happily living in Canada(BC) since 1969, married 4… more »
Brooklyn Park, MN
View profile »Janice Englund (Foster)
Plymouth, MN
It would be great to see everyone, but will not be able to join you because of a prior committment. I have been married for 44 years to Jack (RHS '64) and have lived in Plymouth for 40 years. We've had a great life full of adventures of all kinds. My caree… more »
View profile »Linda Miller (Fournier)
Onamia, MN
Hoping to hear from any of you before the reunion. I think about my old friends and classmates quite often.
Feel free to email or phone me.
My husband Don and I have 2 great sons who have given us 3 granddaughters and 2
grandsons. We live on the south s… more »
View profile »Janice Maijala (France)
Surprise, AZ
Larry and I are still together after 42 years of marriage, 3 children and 8 grandchildren. We are looking forward to see our fellow classmates and to share our life time memories. August 20 and Minnesota here we come.
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